The Project

The project’s core: Recooper actually works to build a better and more meaningful world. It offers you the chance to take part in a beautiful project. It does your heart good and frees some space in your wardrobe.

  • Where does Recooper start from?

    Recooper is the new project made by the ECOBI Consortium, and with the support of “La Fraternità” and “La Piccola Carovana” cooperatives, to enlarge and better the experience made with Restarter, and therefore to take the project into a regional dimension.
    Recooper’s goal is to communicate about the textile collection and reuse in a new, different and more ethical way, by offering innovatory services of collection (e.g. in offices, in parishes or in schools, etc.) and interactive services (e.g. the online containers map), also involving both public and private partners.
    Our values are here on the side:

    • tranparency:

      to guarantee the traceability of the entire textile chain and its ethical way of working;

    • reuse/ respect of the environment/ circular economy

      to retrieve existing waste products and lower the energy consumption of the textile chain:

    • positive social impact:

      to enable disadvantaged people to enter the world of work;

    • economic impact:

      To help developing countries, by supporting their local humanitarian projects, and to create new products.

  • A value for the citizen

    Recooper represents a new approach to the collection of used clothes, and towards the relationship with users, public institutions and the world of private enterprises. Not only it puts its brand on the containers and on the vehicles used for the collection, but Recooper’s goal is also to take an active role in educating people to recycle and reuse (not just clothes). Therefore, Reccoper goes beyond the issue of donation, to focus more on issues like responsibility, best practice and sustainability. Recooper helps people to “behave”, and offers them a widespread collection system made simpler and more reachable to users, inside schools, offices, and parishes.

    • Easier

      You will not bother to remember where you last saw a clothes container: right on this site, you will see a map of all the containers, to find the nearest one

    • More accessible

      Thanks to Recooper, containers will not be the only places where you can put your used clothes. In fact, you will be able to ask us to place one of our container in your flat complex, or in your school, or even - why not? – in your office. Then you will call us, and we will come and get its contents.

    • More responsibly working

      In the same path as Restarter, Recooper will keep on supporting the social commitment of our region’s associations, showing the number of its donations and the beneficiaries. It will also tell you about the projects that the donations support.

    • More transparent

      Only Recooper allows you to follow the textile chain entirely, so you know how we make use of your used clothes. Your action is important to us. and we want to let you know what came out of it.

  • Between Emilia Romagna and the West

    While we were planning the Recooper project, we set an objective: the name of the project would be Italian.

    In the end, though, it doesn’t look like we can satisfactorily say that we made it: we reached the core of our project, focusing on the three guidelines on which it is based.

    We combined these guidelines and we got the word “Recooper”.

    This name is not English, but it’s not Italian either, it is closer to our region Emilia Romagna.