
no profit reuse

Recooper is the evolution of the used textiles collection.
The collection becomes simpler and more accessible; it promotes the ethical value of reuse and generates a positive and measurable social impact. It is transparent, so everyone can see the result of his own actions.


  • più semplice - Recooper


    You will not bother to remember where you last saw a clothes container: right on this site, you will see a map of all the containers, to find the nearest one.

  • Più accessibile - Recooper

    More accessible

    Thanks to Recooper, containers will not be the only places where you can put your used clothes. In fact, you will be able to ask us to place one of our container in your flat complex, or in your school, or even - why not? – in your office. Then you will call us, and we will come and get its contents.

  • Più misurabile - Recooper

    More measurable

    Right here on this site, you will find all the up-to-date data about the collection: such as the amount of textile collected, the amount of newly employed people, details about the textile chain (where are the clothes you give going?), or about the projects that we created, etc.

  • Più responsabile - Recooper

    More responsibly working

    In the same path as Restarter, Recooper will keep on supporting the social commitment of our region’s associations, showing the number of its donations and the beneficiaries. It will also tell you about the projects that the donations support.

  • Più trasparente - Recooper

    More transparent

    In the same path as Restarter, Recooper will keep on supporting the social commitment of our region’s associations, showing the number of its donations and the beneficiaries. It will also tell you about the projects that the donations support.

  • Più presente - Recooper

    More reachable

    We’d love to meet you, talk together and know each other. Recooper will not only care about used clothes containers, or about its bins in schools, in flat complexes or offices: it will also organize events, in collaboration with schools, companies and organization, to promote and spread the values of reusing.

Join us!

Are you interested in Recooper? Or to join the project?
Would you like to learn more about it?
Contact us